Livicom Smart Home

User profile

All users of the site can view the profiles of the other site users. But only the site's owner and admins can change the profile data.
Open the user list of the site to go to the user profile. Open the «Home» screen and tap on the «gear» in the upper right corner of the screen.
Mobile app Livicom
Find the user in the list and tap on the plate with the name.
Mobile app Livicom
For invited users, the user profile of any other user displays the username, photo and contact information.
User's profile
The personal profile allows the invited user to see the notification settings and access rights granted by the owner or admins.
User's profile
For the owner or admins of the site, the profile of any user contains more information that can be changed:

  • User photo.
Tap on the button with the image of the camera to change the photo of the user. Select the action from the popup menu: make a new photo, load from the gallery of the smartphone or set the default photo.

  • Contact information (phone number and e-mail) that was imported from the address book of the owner's smart phone when the owner or admin invited the user to the site.
Afterward the contact information of users cannot be changed by the owner or admins of the site. Users themselves can change their contact information in their accounts.
User's profile
  • User name
You can change the user name. Tap on the 3-dots button in the upper right corner of the screen. Select «Change name» in the popup menu. Enter a new name and tap on V to save it.

Notification settings are set up by the site's owner or admin for each user as described for the owner's profile. Each invited user can view notification settings which were set for them by the site's owner or admin. If necessary, the user can disable all notifications using the switch at the top of the notification settings screen.

Change the name, mobile app Livicom