Only the owner of a site has a complete set of access rights to the Livicom system.
The owner is the user of the Livicom app who have
registered the hub on the Livicom server.
The site's owner has access to all functions of the Livicom Smart Home at the site. All other users can be invited by the site's owner to control the site together.
The site's owner can assign Admin role to any invited user.Admin rights duplicate the rights of the site's owner with minor exceptions:
- Admins cannot delete the site, change the owner or change profile photos for invited users;
- Admins cannot change the owner's set of access rights
They can only assign and delete RFID-tags in the owner's account in the Livicom app. While for invited users and other Admins, they can do more: assign/delete RFID-tags and modify access rights.
Admins cannot assign Admin role to other users or revoke these rights. Admin role is assigned permanently, only the owner can revoke these rights.
Ex-admins stay on the site list as invited users with ordinary access rights.
By default, the invited users have the following access rights: