Livicom Smart Home

Delete users

The site's owner and admins can deny access to the site by deleting invited users.
Only the site's owner and admins can delete users.
Follow these steps to delete users:

  • In the Livicom app, open the «Home» screen of the Site.

  • In the upper right corner of the screen tap on the «gear».
Mobile app Livicom
  • Find the user, which you want to delete, in the list («Family» section) and tap on the plate with the name of user.
Choose the user
  • Tap on three dots («Menu» button) in the upper right corner of the user profile screen.

  • Select «Delete» in the menu.

Access to your site for this user will be denied. The user profile will be removed from the site's user list, and your site will be removed from the user's site list.
Delete Livicom user
You can't delete the site's owner's profile until the owner transfers their rights to another user.